Two Bedroom Whistler Condo in Horstman House Quartershare now asking $109,900. This is well below recent sales!
The Bank of Canada slashed its key short-term interest rate about as low as it can go Tuesday to an all-time low of 0.5 per cent.
Get the most up to date Whistler Real Estate Active Property Listings and Whistler Real Estate Property Sales as March 1, 2009.
210 Wildwood is a great Whistler Real Estate Investment opportunity at $179,000 below the 2009 BC Assessment Authority value.
WASHINGTON The U.S. economy is suffering a "severe contraction,'' Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke told Congress yesterday. But he planted a glimmer of hope that the recession might end this year if the government managed to prop up the shaky banking system, and Wall Street rallied.
Here are some of the best Whistler real estate buys I have seen in years!
Guess which country of the industrialized world, has not experienced one bank collapse, call for a financial or government bail out? Did Canada not come to the tip of your tongue? If it did you guessed right.